Blessed Herbal

Money Draw Candle

Money Draw Candle

Universal abundance is unlimited and we are a direct channel to it. So why are there so many struggles to attain it? That's because many feel that abundance is a separate object from the self when in reality, it is something we manifest from within....

Needed Changes BANISHING Candle

Needed Changes BANISHING Candle

Feeling stuck? Bring about the instant change needed to get out of that rut!. Release negative energies and patterns to see the changes in your life you desire. Reverse the inertia that may keep you from progressing. This blend is also known as the...

Prosperity Candle

Prosperity Candle

Prosperity and abundance are available in unlimited quantities, so don’t be shy. Manifest all you desire and deserve. The universe is filled with unlimited prosperity, ready for your call. All you need is the desire, commitment, and knowledge that...

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